Magical Thinking

Overcoming the Overwhelm: Dinner Time Angst

Dinner time in my home has always been challenging, just ask my husband who for many years walked in the door each evening never sure if there would be dinner available or not. My informal surveys of moms, both ADHD & non-ADHD alike, about dinner-time struggles yielded some common challenges.  Many of these challenges can be overcome with a little creativity: Challenge: Meal planning is tough – Difficulty stems from it being considered a thankless job  and/or … Read More

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The Power of White Space

A coaching client of mine recently suffered some major stressful events in her life and shared the following with me in an email:   “Through it all I have (mostly) kept my cool and felt pretty good, at least until I got really sleep deprived. I credit this relative stability to working through the magical thinking, as you suggested. I’ve been learning to schedule time with lots of white space, and have not been stressed when I … Read More

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