
Using Bookends to ADD Structure to Your ADHD Day

 At a recent Catalyst for Change North Coast Adult ADHD Meetup participants shared what was challenging them most and a common theme emerged – the need to bring more structure to their days. Structure can be elusive to the adult with ADHD.  We understand what it looks like and how it can benefit us in getting things done.  We can readily give examples of when we benefited from it: the structured days we experienced in school, the … Read More

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Overcoming the Overwhelm: Dinner Time Angst

Dinner time in my home has always been challenging, just ask my husband who for many years walked in the door each evening never sure if there would be dinner available or not. My informal surveys of moms, both ADHD & non-ADHD alike, about dinner-time struggles yielded some common challenges.  Many of these challenges can be overcome with a little creativity: Challenge: Meal planning is tough – Difficulty stems from it being considered a thankless job  and/or … Read More

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