
Commitment Clutter & the Arrival of Spring

Spring has sprung and I wish I could say these beautiful blooms are residing in my garden, but alas, winter, not aware of the calendar, is too slowly releasing its grasp on the North Coast.  I am confident though that within the month spring flowers will be blooming somewhere along the shores of Lake Erie.  Wherever and whenever those spring blossoms burst forth for you, I wish for you the opportunity to enjoy those all-too-brief blooms. Sadly I’ve noticed over my … Read More

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Essentialism: Some Thoughts on the New York Times Best Seller by Greg McKeown

I recently finished Greg McKeown‘s book, Essesntialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less  which is essentially about how to live a more purposeful, focused and intentional life.  I’ve been experimenting with minimalism: actively reducing my number of possessions and the number of commitments in my life.  As such, I was intrigued by the idea of essentialism. If you’re curious about what essentialism is, McKeown provides us with this explanation, “the basic value proposition of Essentialism: only once you give yourself … Read More

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