Use this tool to help you gauge how your ADHD is impacting you. Print this page and rate the following items from 1 to 5 to reflect your level of satisfaction with each life area and/or life skill. For those you rate a 1 or 3, what’s one change you would like to make to bring it closer to a ā5?ā If you’re not comfortable with the numbers you’re seeing or you’d like support in making some of those changes you identified contact me and let’s discuss how coaching might benefit you.
1: Not Satisfied at All 3: Good Enough 5:Completely Satisfied
____ Managing demands on your time
____ Adequate sleep
____ Task initiation / getting started
____ Transitions (shifting from one task to another)
____ Establishing priorities
____ Making decisions
____ Ability to meet goals
____ Consistency
____ Focus
____ Memory
____ Impulsivity
____ Communication
____ Relationships
____ Emotional regulation
____ Career & education
____ Organization & productivity
____ Financial wellbeing
____ Information about my ADHD
____ ADHD treatment issues
____ Overall health
____ Support from others