Overcoming Overwhelm: Free Up Bandwidth by Sharing Ideas

Sharb IDEAsI was lucky enough to spend some time this past Sunday with my colleague Francis Wade, time-based productivity expert and author of Bill’s Im-Perfect Time Management Adventure and the upcoming book Perfect Time-Based Productivity – A Professional Approach, due out this fall.

Francis was visiting Cleveland from Jamaica and as I showed him the sights of my city, we discussed how to best help people make improvements to their time demand management systems.

As we talked, I noticed just how many ideas we were generating on this topic.  I shared with Francis the struggle so many of my ADHD clients and I have, of coming up with more ideas than can possibly be acted upon by any one person or maybe even a team of people in a life time.  I work with my clients and with myself to prioritize and then focus on those ideas deemed most important, but this unfortunately leaves what seem to be a lot of good ideas on the cutting room floor.

I asked Francis how he deals with having so many ideas and I appreciated his novel approach of sharing with others those ideas he doesn’t have the bandwidth to pursue.  In his own words:

I believe that the more ideas I give away the more I receive, so I have set up a way for people who create cool content to use the ideas I am not using yet, or don’t intend to use.

Francis has actually set up a list on his website where he gathers his excess ideas and he shares this list with bloggers, authors, podcasters – anyone who creates internet content on the topic of time-based productivity.   If you’re interested, check it out by clicking here.

Thank you Francis for sharing a creative way of releasing yourself from the potential overwhelm of too many ideas.  I’m guessing a number of my readers might relate to this challenge and might also benefit from releasing some ideas back to the universe.

Do you have an interesting way of letting go of ideas?   If so, I’d love to hear from you.





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Ellen Delap
10 years ago

Love this concept! I “park” ideas in my smart phone with Notes app. It gives me a way to keep ideas and let them percolate. I can refer back to them from time to time too.

Lisa Mallis
10 years ago

Great idea Andrea and Francis! I love the concept of giving away and receiving more! Like Ellen, I also park my ideas. Then – after some of the “excitement” fades – I evaluate the new idea against my current projects. Will this get me closer to my goals? This helps to keep me from chasing the “next shiny object”!

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