My Favorite Things: Buddha Board

My new favorite tool for bringing mindfulness, fun and creativity to change is my Buddha Board.

Per the Buddha Board website, this board is “based on the Zen concept of living in the moment. You simply paint on the surface with water and your creation will come to life in bold design. Then, as the water slowly evaporates, your art will magically disappear leaving you with a clean slate and a clear mind – ready to create a whole new masterpiece.”  At our house we’ve noticed how long what you’ve written lasts depends on the humidity levels in your home and how much water you use.   These boards are more generically known as Zen boards and the special paper that covers the board , called Magic Water Painting Paper  has been used historically to practice calligraphy strokes.

As I write this, I have most recently been using the Buddha Board in my kitchen as a way of focusing in on and gaining perspective around my eating habits.  When I wander into the kitchen as I do so many times a day, instead of going straight to the fridge or the cupboard, I go to the Buddha Board and write something that has to do with my goal of healthier eating and weight loss.  Today for example, using Buddha Board to raise my awareness around mindless eating, resulted in me choosing tea over hot cocoa and a protein bar over cookies.

There is also a free version of the Buddha Board available for download on your iPhone/iPad but it isn’t quite as much fun as the real thing. If you live in the Cleveland area, you can try out the Buddha Board at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Gift Shop.

How have you used a Buddha or Zen Board to bring mindfulness to your life or to help support change? No Buddha Board?  What similar tools have you used?

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12 years ago

Andrea, I received a Buddha Board as a gift last year, and I use it in two ways. First, as a tool to calm me when I need to let out a little steam — sort of like the “write it, then tear it up” exercise, except this is “write it, then watch it evaporate…” My grandson discovered it in my office, and now he and I will sit and paint a bit. It’s a great exercise in accepting that all things are temporary. No matter how lovely the drawing, it’s soon gone. HE has no trouble with this —… Read more »

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