A Moment FOR Mindfulness: Tracing a Labyrinth

I’m making a commitment to mindfulness in my life.  For me, this means I’m spending more time being present and single tasking, as opposed to multitasking.  Mindfulness is challenging for anyone, but especiallly those of us with ADHD. Studies are showing mindfulness can benefit those with ADHD and books like The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD by Lidia Zylowska, MD explain how.  When I find myself getting worked up about something (i.e. less mindful), I’m learning to take a moment for mindfulness. This might involve some focused deep breathes or listening to a short meditation.

Another wonderful means of practicing mindfulness is walking a labyrinth.  Walking a labyrinth per Wikipedia, “help[s] to achieve a contemplative state” as “walking among the turnings, one loses track of direction and of the outside world, and thus quiets the mind.”  The Labyrinth Society says of labyrinths, ” a labyrinth is a single path or unicursal tool for personal, psychological and spiritual transformation. Labyrinths are thought to enhance right brain activity.”  There is a wonderful outdoor labyrinth at the Unity Spiritual Center in Westlake, Ohio that I’ve walked many times.  I’ve also been lucky enough to walk Labyrinths at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco (left)  and Chartres Cathedral in France.  There are over 4300 labyrinths in the United States and you can click here if you’re interested in locating a labyrinth near you.

Though it would be amazing to have a labyrinth in my backyard, I don’t.  This is where the image at the right comes into play.  Believe it or not, I’ve found I’m able to achieve a more mindful state by tracing a labyrinth on paper.  Tracing within the lines along the path forces you to slow down and focus on what you’re doing.  This “one mindedness” is key to mindfulness.  In addition, it’s peaceful and fulfilling to see the pattern of the labyrinth appear as you trace over it.

Feeling frazzled?  There are plenty of labyrinth images available on-line that you can print off and trace.  Give it a try and let me know what kind of impact it has on you.

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Geralin Thomas
11 years ago

Andrea, I’m currently enrolled in a mindfullness study at Duke University. On campus, we have access to a permanent Labyrinth for use while practicing our walking meditations. It’s a classic 7-circuit labyrinth with 3 large rocks on the right and one on the left at the entrance. It’s not a maze. Needless to say, I really enjoyed this post!

11 years ago
Reply to  Geralin Thomas

Geralin, Thanks for sharing. There is something so incredibly peaceful about a labyrinth. How lucky that you have ready access to one! I’d be interested in learning more about the results of the mindfulness study. I recall you saying something about it at ICD conference. Best, Andrea

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