Favorite iPad Productivity Apps – Part III: iThoughts HD

Today I want to share an iPad app designed for non-linear thinkers.

Non-Linear Thinkers

Like many folks with ADHD, my thought process tends to be more relational than linear in nature.  A colleague of mine calls those of us who think relationally Global Creatives.  This is a blessing and somewhat of a curse: a blessing in that I’m brimming with ideas on all sorts of topics, a curse in that it’s super challenging to get my brain around an idea to the point where I can fully explore it.  

For example, I never have trouble coming up with something to write about, be it for a blog posting or a paper for a class I’m taking.  Ideas and connections between ideas abound.  What doesn’t abound though is the ability to capture and document my thoughts and organize them in a linear manner that will allow a final product to emerge.  This week’s productivity tool for the iPad allows me to change that pattern.  It’s a mind mapping tool called iThoughtsHD and it helps me create orderly outlines, so that I can more easily share my ideas with others.


I begin a mind map by putting my topic in a circle in the middle of the screen and then brainstorming around that topic.  What comes up for me when I consider the topic?  What else?  What else?  When I began my mind map of chronic disorganization (CD), a portion of which is captured at the right, the initial areas I captured were Characteristics of CD individuals, Organizing Techniques for CD, Processing Modalities, Causes of CD and Definition of CD.  I then recorded what I deemed most important in each of those areas.  As time went on, I added more topics and subtopics, creating a fairly comprehensive relational picture of Chronic Disorganization which proved really helpful when studying for an oral exam on this topic. 

What I Love

The beautiful thing about this app is that I can continually add to my individual mind maps, growing them, as I learn more about a topic.  My mind map on ADHD seems to  have taken on a life of its own. : )  iThoughtsHD allows me to create my mind maps in a single color or in multiple colors, to more easily distinguish among branches of thought.  I love that I can now share my previously jumbled thoughts with others in a host of ways and formats.  Best is that with the push of a button, this app even converts my mind map into an ordered, logical outline that any linear thinker could appreciate and easily digest.

Have you ever used iThoughts HD or mind mapping?  What did you like?  What did it make possible for you?  

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