Starting a Home Inventory on a Cancelled Day…

Today is cancelled.  Because of snow and ice here along the north coast, schools are cancelled.  My appointment with today’s client is cancelled because of bad roads.  Even my client for tomorrow is cancelled because she is stuck on the west coast because of a cancelled flight.

The truth is I’ve always secretly liked cancelled days.  For someone like me who truly values time, cancelled days like these are like a gift and few and far between.  Because of this, I don’t like to waste them.  While I do plan on making a cup of tea and sitting down with my pile of reading at some point today, I first want to tackle something that’s been on my to do list for many years: creating a home inventory for insurance purposes.

This daunting job has haunted me for twenty-five years or more.  I’ve made half hearted attempts in the past, but never managed more than a stack of photos of our most prized possessions.  Today I will start creating a home inventory movie of the rooms and possessions in our home.  Following the same advice I give to my clients, I will create a plan, break the plan into small manageable steps and schedule the steps so they actually get done. Most importantly, I’ll ask for accountability from you my readers, so If you see me on the street, please feel free to ask me how the project is going.

How do you like to spend cancelled days?  What’s something you might tackle with your extra hours that could make a difference in your world?

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